Can artificial intelligence replace a sworn translator?

traducción IA

Artificial intelligence makes it easier to translate texts quickly, but is it suitable for official documents? In this post, we analyse the limitations of machine translation in the legal field and explain why a sworn translator is still the safest option to guarantee accuracy and validity in official procedures.

AI translation: is it really useful for official documents?

Artificial intelligence has advanced in the field of translation and is particularly useful for general and everyday texts. However, in the case of official documents, such as certificates, contracts or minutes, its usefulness is limited.

This is because AI, although it can translate words and phrases with relative accuracy, lacks contextual understanding and legal knowledge, two essential aspects in this type of documents. Sworn translations require a level of accuracy and adaptation to the specific legal framework that only a certified professional can provide.

Therefore, when dealing with texts where every word and term has legal implications, the services of a sworn translator are irreplaceable to guarantee the validity and accuracy of the content.

Machine translation and its limitations in the legal field

Machine translation is a useful tool in many contexts, but in the legal field it faces serious limitations that can jeopardise the accuracy of the document. These limitations include:

  • Lack of legal knowledge: Machine translations do not understand the complexities and specific terminology of legal language.
  • Lack of context: AI algorithms cannot interpret the cultural or legal context, crucial in official documents.
  • Interpretation errors: A minor error can completely change the legal meaning of a term or clause.
  • It has no legal validity: Machine translations are not officially accepted; they lack signature and certification, necessary elements in official documents.

For these reasons, it is essential to opt for certified human translators for legal documents.

Is it safe to translate a website automatically for official use?

While machine translation of a website is quick and inexpensive, it is not the best option for official use. Machine translations, when not supervised by a certified translator, lack accuracy and can lead to misinterpretation of specialised terms or technical information.

This is particularly problematic when the website has information relevant to legal proceedings or presents sensitive data that requires accurate interpretation. In addition, machine translations often lack cultural nuances and appropriate terminology for each legal context, which could affect the company’s reputation and reduce its credibility in a professional environment. Therefore, for official texts, human supervision is essential.

Looking for certified translators online? The best alternative to machine translation for official documents

Opting for certified online translators is the best alternative for those who need an official, guaranteed and accurate translation. These professionals offer the assurance that every word is proofread and adapted to the legal requirements of the document, as well as being signed and stamped for official acceptance.

Unlike machine translation, the work of a certified translator guarantees that the documentation will be valid in legal and administrative procedures, both nationally and internationally.

Furthermore, access to certified translators online allows you to obtain personalised services and specialised advice from anywhere, ideal for those who are looking for speed and quality in the translation of their official documents.